Frequently Asked Questions

As soon as you have completed our onboarding formalities and provided the required documents, our compliance department will validate and verify your application. This process typically takes a few days after your complete application is submitted. After we conduct the initial Know Your Client (KYC) procedure, your account will be activated and ready for use. You will receive an email informing you about the same.

The next generation of bank accounts or International Bank account numbers (IBAN) are here. The multi currency IBANs are designed for a more complex world where more and more businesses are going global but want to manage their cash flow and cash management from one account. A multi Currency IBAN is one Bank account number like normal. But the magic is in the setup. The IBAN is pre-setup with 35-50 different currencies. This means regardless of whether your customers pays you in USD, EUR, or INR the IBAN is able to receive the funds AND store it in the correct currency account. this is especially relevant for large multi-nationals and e-commerce players who sell in multiple markets and countries. the savings for a large player could be significant in terms of banking costs and foreign exchange. Also the fact that you are working with only one account saves a lot of effort and confusion with your customers.

To open an account you must be at least 18 years old.

We are a licensed financial institution and have to comply with AML laws. This requires us to identify all clients. The account verification procedure is straight forward . You will not be allowed to send any money before you verify your identity.

VenmarsPay offering best rates for business transactions from Europe to rest of the world. We have partnered with Several Reputed and high street banks worldwide to change the way international payments are carried out, lowering the fees and processing time substantially. Our solutions work for global exporters to Europe with a virtual bank account, which enables exporters to collect payments from their European customers.